You have the ring, now what? Many celebrity marriages have made prenuptial agreements a popular topic in the news and online. While a prenup is probably the last thing on your mind as you prepare for your day of wedded bliss, its becoming a more and more common trend. And its not just for celebrities or millionaire businessmen. Couples who are marrying later in life with established wealth and
credit are drawing up prenups as a way to protect their hard work.
Having a prenup doesn't always mean you'll get or lose millions in the case of divorce, a prenup is a way to protect assets gained before the marriage. In the event of a divorce, a prenup can also provide a predetermined plan for splitting up joint assets.
A prenuptial agreement is valid only if it is completed prior to marriage. There are five things that are required for it to be valid:
1) Must be written
2) Must be voluntarily executed
3) Full and/or fair disclosure at time of execution
4) The agreement can't be unconscionable
5) Must be acknowledged by both parties before a notary public.
Attorney Erwin F. Meiers, III can help guide you through the prenuptial process, call today.
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